Ideas Incubator 3

Project "Ideas Incubator 3 - support in the development of social innovations concerning social inclusion"

As part of the grant project “Ideas Incubator 3 – support in the development of social innovations concerning social inclusion” we will look for new solutions (social innovations) in the area of ​​social inclusion and then support their authors (innovators) in developing, testing and disseminating the best services, products and methods of operation.

Project objective

The aim of the project is to pre-incubate, incubate and accelerate social innovations in the area of ​​social inclusion and to disseminate the 10 best solutions. As part of the activities, we will conduct 2 incubation cycles, during which we will look for innovative ideas for services, products or solutions in the area of ​​social inclusion and support the authors of the best solutions in refining them. Innovators will receive individualized, comprehensive training, consulting and animation support from us, and 31 of the most promising solutions will receive a grant of around PLN 70,000 to test the innovation.

We will also conduct an acceleration process, in which we will select 9 of the most promising social innovations developed. The selected innovations will be verified in order to improve them, we will gather additional knowledge and perspectives, test the improved solution in new places and prepare an improved version, which should be ready for scaling. From all the solutions selected in the incubation and acceleration process, we will disseminate the 10 best social innovations.

Main results assumed in the project:

  • incubation of 31 innovations,
  • dissemination of 4 innovations,
  • acceleration of 9 innovations,
  • dissemination of 6 accelerated innovations.

Target groups

The target group of the project is individuals, informal groups, non-governmental organizations, private and public entities.

Financing from the European Funds for Social Development

Total amount of eligible expenses of the Grant Project: PLN 9,999,891.00.

Amount of co-financing from European funds: PLN 9,499,896.45.

The project is implemented from the funds of the European Funds for Social Development program by Shipyard Foundation in cooperation with Ośrodek Ewaluacji and the Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej in Warsaw.

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